Fundación de Expresión Intercultural, Educativa y Ambiental
Email: fundaexpresion@gmail.com
- Case-study: More and Better + SALSA
- video de Semillas + Women and Planet Diversity
- Video: “Carbon Credits … Oxygen for Business”, CENSAT “Agua Viva” - Coalición Mundial por los Bosques, translation and voice-over in English, Nov 2008.
- Translation in Spanish “Agrofuels a Threat to Food Sovereignty”, Swissaid, 2008.
- Co-authors of the Report: “Right to Food in Colombia : Situation, Context and Failures” - an approximation of the Colombian State in the framework of the Voluntary Guidelines, Plataforma Colombiana de Derechos Humanos, Bogotá, Dic 2007.
- Radio Program: “Por Aquí Pasa el Río” - Testimonial experiences of communities in the defence of water as a collective patrimony, Fundaexpresión - UIS, Dec. 2007.
- Magazine: "El Despertar Campesino" - Testimonial experiences in agro-ecology, food autonomy and cultural identity, Fundaexpresión, Feb. 2002, May 2003, Dec. 2006.
- Text reference to the work of Fundaexpresión and the Campesino School of Agroecology in the following books: “Agricultura y ganadería orgánicas a condiciones colombianas : retorno de los pobres al campo”, Mario Mejía Gutiérrez, 2006 (pp. 298) and “Agricultura y Espiritualidad”, Mario Mejía Gutiérrez, 2004 (pp. 105).
- Short-story Compilation of women writers in prison: “Visaje de Nada”, Dec. 2006.
- Journal Article: “El agua un bien público, patrimonio de los pueblos”, Revista Semillas en la Economía Campesina, No. 28 / 29, Bogotá, June 2006.
- Chapter: “Sustainable Water Management in Colombia”, published in Beyond the Barricades - Americas Trade and Sustainable Development Agenda, Ashgate Press, United Kingdom, 2005.
- Journal Article: “Política nacional de bosques y agua”, Revista Semillas en la Economía Campesina, No. 26 / 27, Bogotá, Dec. 2005.
- Video: “Piña dulce, agua amarga” - water a collective right, Fundaexpresión, 2005.
- Journal Article: "Implicancias económicas de la agricultura ecológica", Revista de agroecología - LEISA, Vol. 21 No. 2, Lima - Peru, Sept 2005.
- Press Article: “Alternative education in Colombia”, Latinamerica Press, Volume 37 No. 13, Lima - Peru, June 2005.
- Bio-materials catalogue and traditional knowledge, UIS - Fundaexpresión, 2005.
- Children’s Book: “Literatura Infantil y Selva Andina" - creative literature experience, Fundaexpresión - Ministry of Culture, 2004.
- Radio Program: “Al Son de Maklenke” - Testimonial experiences in agro-ecology, food security and cultural identity, Fundaexpresión - IUCN (Holland), 2004.
Magazine: "El Despertar Campesino"